Yes, parents, YOU play a critical role. 24% of teens who report their parents are NOT good role models have been in more than one accident as a driver, compared to 10% of teens who report their parents DO model good driving behavior. 15% of teens with poor role models have been issued more than one ticket, compared to 6% of teens with good ones.
Teens have reported that even though their parents are safe drivers, they occasionally demonstrate risky and illegal habits in the following areas:
Texting ("for work") - You are 23 times more likely to crash while texting. STOP!
Speeding - Teens can't see and react as fast as an experienced driver, but they will drive as fast as you do.
Changing Lanes - if you don't use your blinker, check over your shoulder, and check your mirrors, your teen won't either.
Racing Yellow Lights , Rolling Stops, and Tailgating - all risky behaviors you are modeling for your teen.
Seatbelts - The number of those who don't use seatbelts has dropped significantly, but make it a priority to wear it. Every time. (Source)
"It's critical that parents and teens are on the same page about driving dangers and are clearly communicating the consequences for not following the rules of the road," said Henry Edinger, Chief Customer Officer for Travelers. Even though the Travelers survey found that a high percentage of teens and parents have talked about safe driving habits (96%), it also identifies some disconnect in what parents top concerns are compared to teens.
- 66% of teens are concerned about driving under the influence of alcohol, compared to 14% of parents.
- 56% of teens are concerned about distracted driving as a result of phones and texting, versus 35% of parents.
- 52% of teens are concerned about staying aware of other drivers on the road, compared to 31% of parents.
The survey also revealed that younger teens are more receptive to a conversation about safe driving than older teens.
If you have or will have a new teen driver soon, take the time for this important conversation, and be sure to model good driving behavior at all times. Even younger children will learn from your example. ("What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.")
Contact us at ALINK Insurance Services for a quote for your new driver, or with any questions you may have.
We would love to help!
Denver Metro/Parker: 303-752-6479
Colorado Springs: 719-473-6262
Greeley: 970-475-0900
Surrounding States: 877-643-6148